Friday, January 30, 2015

Final Project Composition

The photos that I have taken is all from school. I decided to take all of these pictures at school because I will probably spend about 12 years or more of my life in school so it definitely has affected the way I look at things and how I am. The first picture I took was a absolutely random but I know I wanted to take it in a framing manner to show how in school we like to judge people by the way they look and I think framing captures that message about how instead of focusing on whats on the outside its better to focus on the person's personality. Which I was thought not to do because looks aren't everything thats why I decided to use framing. The second picture on the top left hand corner is to show unity. I know to show unity everything in the photo had to blend and make sense that's when I noticed how the cafeteria is very united and everything is in harmony. The composition that I use (unity) to take this picture shows me because I as a person like to have everything and everyone around me to be united and be in harmony. I don't really like chaos between me and the people around me I tend to try to calm things down. The third photo which is in the middle to the right I used horizon line as my composition. I use the chair and the end of the desk as the horizon line because I think thats how students and teachers are separated and this photo is all about me because it's shows how I spend most of my day which is being at school. The photo with steps I decided to use horizontal line because I liked how repetitive and yet calming it looks and this photo is about me because I as a person will never consider myself as someone who doesn't to ever stop growing as a person and I thought steps were the perfect way of capturing that. The last picture is a picture of my class and my peers I thought this photo showed variety which is also something I am really big on because I am not really that type of person that likes routine or boring things I like to have variety within everything.
The first photo on the top left hand is a picture of an art wooden mannequin. I took the photo in worms eye view because art or music something between those lines control my life I love to take photo's and I play multiple instruments. The next photo on the top left is a picture of canvas carrier and this photo was actually just another random shot but I knew I should at least get my point across that art is a big thing. The composition that I already planned on taking a picture of is simplicity because I wouldn't say I was simple but I wouldn't say it was complicated. This picture really conveys how much I like to live my life in a very simple way but still very exciting. The first picture in the middle is the fountain and snow. I used this photo because I liked how the snow follows and curves with the shape of the fountain and I liked how in curved lines and everything follows through. I as a person loved to surprise people and set goals for myself and I think that curved lines are how I like to succeed on doing those things and thats by following through. The next photo is showcasing more on how I live my life and the I think the leadings lines and is what captures that. The leading lines showcase how I like to look ahead but still live in the moment. The last photo I took at my cabin which is in the middle of no where. Now I took multiple pictures out that day but I liked how much emphasis there is on the snowflakes and the detail is just crazy. This photo conveys me because I like nature and how soothing and calming it can be. I often go up to my cabin when my mom and I need a stress reliever from work in her case or school for my case. Because I spend almost half of my time out there sitting right next to the river and it's probably the most calming thing I've heard.