Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Lighting Project

Natural Light

For natural light I learned that shade has more of a balance specially towards the blacks,whites and greys. While the natural light create harsh dark shadows and doesn't have much of balance.If I was to do this again I would ask my subject to not look either directly to the camera or the sun.
Natural Light
Shade Light

Existing Light

For existing light I learned that different directions of how the picture is take does affect the way the picture turns out and where the deepest darks and lights are. If I was to do this again I would try to focus more on my subjects eyes because they seem to capture a lot of reflection detail. 
45 Degree


        Artificial Light (Single Source)

I learned that artificial lighting is very different from natural and existing. I found it interesting that artificial light are able to mimic how natural and existing affected the face. I also learned that there are different ways of taking a picture it's not just a simple portrait style.


Artificial Multiple Lights

From using multiple lights I learned that one, two, and three's pairs of lights do make a difference. You can see with one light which is key it doesn't create that sense of balance within the photo.
Key Light
Back Light
Fill Light

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