Thursday, October 2, 2014

Portrait Session with Caroline Fulton

How to befriend Caroline Abby Fulton:

       Step 1: Remember her name, Caroline Abby Fulton or C for short
       Step 2: Show interest in her name ask her why she was named Caroline
              P.S it’s because of the song Sweet Caroline
       Step 3: Ask her about her interest. She’ll most likely say giraffes
       Step 4: Ask her why she takes her classes for example photography?
     She might say:
                 - She wanted to see what the course was like
                 - She wanted to know how to take a good photo
       Step 5: You need to love giraffes because that is something that Caroline would love to take a picture                        of. Giraffes in the safari
       Step 6: Ask her if she could change anything about herself you better know that she’ll say her attitude
       Step 7: And to be really good friends with her ask her what she wants to do when she grows up and                          where she sees herself.
            She might say:
                         Out of college
                 A husband
                 With 2 dogs
                 And a good job
      Step 8: When you guys hang out it’s most likely you both will be on the couch with her dog watching                          reality tv and movies.
      Step 9: And if she ever goes missing you can probably find her in the nearest couch.
      Step 10: Fun Facts about Caroline
                  - She would like Miley Cyrus or horror movies to go away from pop culture.
                  - She wants to break the habit of her attitude don’t ask me how she just wants to.
                  - Caroline is Entomophobic which means she has a fear of insects, Aracnophobic which means                        fear of spider, and monophobic meaning she has a fear of being alone.
                  - She thinks her greatest flaw is her height.
                  - And if she were to become a super hero she would like her power to be strength because she                        would be able to do things that others may not be able to.
                  - And she could eat at any restaurant for the rest of her life she would love to eat at Mikado’s.
                   I hope these 10 easy steps make you Caroline’s new bestie!


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