Friday, October 3, 2014

Themed shooting assignment

1.     Anger       

Homework makes me mad and frustrates me.
2.     Power

I choose to take a picture of him because he use to work for the mayor and I think he's got a lot of power to do things.
3.     Ugly

I always see trash as something ugly.
4.     Calm

This reminds me of the beach and I always feel calm when I think or am at the beach.
5.     Compassion

Because holding somebody's hand is like knowing they're always there for each other.
6.     Authority

I always thought being able to say or put out a sign saying do not disturb gave you a lot of authority.
7.     Pride

Being at CV made
me see how much school pride it really has. 
8.     Mysterious

I took this picture during a thunderstorm and I took it a couple of seconds after lightning struck and i thought it was mysterious because of the split between the light and dark.
9.     Wisdom

I always thought that being to see the light is being knowlegable.
10.  Love

I thought the idea of Paris and the Eiffel Tower was like a sign of love.
11.  Lazy

I'm always too LAZY to clean my room.
12.  Temptation

I always feel like food is always tempting
13.  Happiness

Listening to music always makes me happy
14.  Growth

I always see when little kids tip toe they want to grow up.
15.  Memories

This was just a bunch of pictures of me and my mom back when we lived in the Philippines.
16.  Sounds

I took this picture of a speaker because this is were most of the sound comes from in my room.
17.  Diversity

I took this picture of an american type of junk food and Filipino junk food. And it basically describes of how diverse my fridge and cabinets are.
18.  Dangerous

Knives to me are always dangerous.
19.  Hope

I used this one because everyone seems to find hope within themselves and god.
20.  Truth

Honesty and truth are the same.
21.  Patriotic

People in the army wear camo and they are usually pretty patriotic.
22.  Sad

I see trash as something sad because people never have the initiative 
23.  Terrifying

There's a red light in my room that I always imagine is a red eye and I think it's absolutely terrifying.
24.  Abandoned

I choose this photo because the plants and the green color has an abandoned feel to it.
25.  Courage

I  always feel like courage takes motivation.

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